As the Virgin Islands grapples with the aftermath of a devastating trough that swept through the region on May 7 and 8, damage assessments have commenced...
In celebration of the 70th Virgin Islands Emancipation Festival, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is gearing up to launch a special commemorative license plate, as...
The Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Act, 2024, took its first steps towards implementation with its first reading during the Tenth Sitting of the First Session of...
The retaining wall at the Social Security-funded homes in Joe’s Hill Manor Estate sustained substantial damage after heavy rains inundated the territory on May 7 and...
Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) will resume face-to-face sessions on Friday, May 10th, 2024. The announcement, made by Principal Vanessa Garraway, follows a precautionary closure on...
Reports from Virgin Gorda paint a picture of extensive and hazardous conditions as landslides render access to North Sound via Valley impassable. According to reliable sources...
In response to severe weather conditions, the British Virgin Islands Bank Association has declared the closure of various banks across the region, including Bank of Asia...
In a precautionary move aimed at ensuring the safety of students and staff, all public schools across the territory will remain closed today, Wednesday, 8th May...
Thad Lettsome, representing the British Virgin Islands, has secured a spot at the Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games, marking a historic moment as the first BVI...
Residents of the British Virgin Islands are urged to exercise extreme caution as heavy rain has led to severe flooding in Road Town and surrounding areas....