The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force have confirmed that a man is hospitalised following a shooting incident on Tuesday evening in Sea Cows Bay, Tortola. The...
Naomi Onwufuju of Elmore Stoutt High School is the 2023 British Virgin Islands Junior Ambassador of Tourism. Valentin Zahrebelny of Ciboney Centre For Excellence came in...
Students from five secondary schools will today compete to become the British Virgin Islands Junior Ambassador of Tourism. The June 6 British Virgin Islands Tourist Board...
Managing Director of the British Virgin Islands Airports Authority Kurt Menal today confirmed that prevailing winds and high temperature were the reasons for the June 4...
Sandra Grisham-Clothier has been appointed the new Director of Business Development at Scrub Island Resort, Spa and Marina in the British Virgin Islands. Grisham-Clothier, who has...
The British Virgin Islands Airport Authority and a team from American Airlines are currently assessing the irregular operation of non-stop morning flight AA3989 from Miami to...
The pilot of a Cape Air flight which departed the British Virgin Islands on Sunday afternoon successfully landed at the Cyril E. King Airport in...
British Virgin Islands sprinter Rikkoi Brathwaite on Saturday placed fourth in the Music City Track Carnival, equalling his 100m National Record of 10.11 seconds. The meet...
British Virgin Islands Premier Natalio Wheatley today announced that government will provide US$250,000 grant for a concert at Brandywine Bay in celebration of the American Airlines’...