In a dazzling display of talent and grace, Jeron E. Springette and De’Nya Kayla Winter emerged winners of the highly anticipated Prince and Princess contest. The...
The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) has charged three individuals and made multiple arrests after a high-speed boat chase led to a significant cocaine seizure....
In a heartwarming welcome home ceremony, D’Moi Hodge was presented with two significant cheques. The event, attended by Premier and Minister of Finance Dr. the Honourable...
In an unexpected twist, one of the two boats seized in the July 21 drug bust following a high-speed chase in open waters has been set...
Beyonce Defreitas, secured a bronze medal at the 100m finals of the NACAC U23 Championship in San Jose, Costa Rica. Defreitas clocked a time of 11.41...
Today, we pay tribute to the extraordinary talent and musical genius of Pupa Kelly, a true icon of the Virgin Islands. With a multitude of titles...
Kyron McMaster set a new meet record and claimed the top spot with a superb time of 47.26 seconds in the 400m hurdles at the 2023...
A delegation from the Virgin Islands (VI) recently embarked on a significant journey to the United Kingdom (UK) to engage in constructive interparliamentary discussions with key...
A high-speed sea chase led to the apprehension of three locals and two vessels, resulting in significant drug seizures and the injury of several police officers....
Officers of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force recently completed an intensive Armed Response Training and D.A.R.E Program. The comprehensive training took place simultaneously at the...