The Virgin Islands community is in mourning following the loss of a revered figure, Mr. Vernon E. Malone, who dedicated a significant portion of his life...
The East End Police Station, previously closed due to ongoing sewerage works, is set to reopen its doors today, Friday, May 3. The closure had been...
In response to incidents of extreme misconduct on campus, Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) has suspended in-person classes for Friday, May 3, 2024. The decision was...
The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) has arrested and charged 32-year-old Vernon Bernard from Manuel Reef and 28-year-old Jelani Marquis from Hannah’s Estate with the...
All Seized Items to Be Returned Former Customs Commissioner Wade Smith, who faced breach of trust charges in 2023, has won one of two judicial reviews...
Two prominent establishments in the heart of Road Town and three in Manuel Reef Business Centre fell victim to early-morning burglaries on April 25. While the...
The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) discovered two additional individuals yesterday, April 19, suspected to be part of a group of illegal immigrants who reportedly...
Tortola finds itself grappling with a troubling escalation in non-residential burglaries, a reality highlighted by the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force Criminal Investigations Department. Since the...
In response to the recent shooting incident that occurred on Friday, March 22, the National Security Council (NSC) chaired by the Governor and comprising key members...
A man was transported to Dr. D. Orlando Smith Hospital shortly after 9:00 PM March 22, after sustaining gunshot wounds. According to the Royal Virgin Islands...