The Virgin Islands community is in mourning following the loss of a revered figure, Mr. Vernon E. Malone, who dedicated a significant portion of his life...
The East End Police Station, previously closed due to ongoing sewerage works, is set to reopen its doors today, Friday, May 3. The closure had been...
Educator and author Medita Malone Wheatley will unveil her latest edited book on Monday, May 6, titled, “A Snapshot of the Virgin Islands Secondary School Under...
Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Vincent O. Wheatley officially declared the commencement of the 35th anniversary of Senior Citizens’ Month in the Virgin Islands....
The British Virgin Islands (BVI) emerged as a beacon for the sustainable development aspirations of small island nations, rallying Latin American allies at the 7th Meeting...
In a gathering of international delegates at the 20th anniversary of the ICC FraudNet Conference held at Scrub Island, British Virgin Islands, Hon. Lorna Smith, OBE,...
The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) has arrested and charged 32-year-old Vernon Bernard from Manuel Reef and 28-year-old Jelani Marquis from Hannah’s Estate with the...
All Seized Items to Be Returned Former Customs Commissioner Wade Smith, who faced breach of trust charges in 2023, has won one of two judicial reviews...
The government is encouraging public input on the recently introduced Human Rights Commission Bill, 2024, aimed at creating the Virgin Islands Human Rights Commission, paving the...
Trident in collaboration with local schools and community members, spearheaded a coastal cleanup initiative on April 20, 2024, spanning from Tortola Pier Park to Queen Elizabeth...