Despite facing challenging conditions, Kyron McMaster, a two-time Commonwealth Games champion in the 400m hurdles, showcased his exceptional talent by securing a remarkable 2nd place finish...
British Virgin Islands Governor John Rankin is retiring from Diplomatic Service in 2024. From January 2024, the new Governor of the territory will be Daniel Pruce,...
Cleopatria King-Defreitas on Wednesday travelled from her home in the quiet British Virgin Islands to New York City in the United States to see her son...
D’Moi Hodge on Thursday signed with the Los Angeles Lakers. Hodge created history as the first British Virgin Islander to join a NBA franchise with a...
Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr. Natalio D. Wheatley is today hosting the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Didier Trebucq to discuss the British Virgin Islands achieving...
An American Airlines plane carrying a total of 79 passengers today made the historic inaugural trip from Miami to the Terrance B Lettsome International Airport on...
In a surprise move, Former British Virgin Islands Premier Andrew Fahie’s co-defendant Kadeem Maynard in the Drug Enforce Administration (DEA) drug trafficking, money laundering and racketeering...
A company registered in the British Virgin Islands with ties to wealthy British businessman Javad Marandi was listed in a money-laundering scheme involving one of Azerbaijan’s...
A United States judge on May 5 denied a motion to allow the daughters of former British Virgin Islands Premier Andrew Fahie presently on federal drug...
Charles III was this morning officially crowned the King of the United Kingdom and 14 other Commonwealth realms. At Westminster Abbey on Saturday, May 6, Archbishop...