Reggae enthusiasts worldwide are mourning the untimely passing of Peetah Morgan, the lead singer of the renowned reggae band Morgan Heritage. The somber news was announced...
Amidst a relatively quiet February at the box office, Paramount Pictures has injected a burst of energy with the release of the music biopic “Bob Marley:...
Cultural Thursdays, a beloved community tradition in Carrot Bay, is set to embrace the spirit of Valentine’s Day with a lineup of talented performers for an...
The 57th Virgin Gorda Easter Festival (VGEF) will captivate audiences under the stewardship of a dynamic new committee. Embracing the mantle of their predecessors, this fresh...
The Virgin Gorda Easter Festival Committee has chosen Rupert “Buck” Vanterpool, a prominent figure in the island’s business landscape, as the honoree for the upcoming 57th...
Last weekend, Hollywood superstar Kevin Hart and his wife joined friends to celebrate Bill “Perky” Perkins’ 55th birthday on the stunning Moskito Island. The extravagant celebration...
Donelle Smith, hailing from the British Virgin Islands, has emerged as the first Grammy Award winner from the territory. Smith, celebrated for his role as one...
Virgin Islander Theron Thomas is the 66th annual Grammy Awards Songwriter of the Year (Non-Classical). Thomas secured the prestigious accolade with an impressive repertoire of hits...
In a strategic move to enhance the integration of culture and heritage into the tourism sector, the Cabinet of the Virgin Islands has greenlit the transfer...
The Jeffery Caines Sports Arena is set to sparkle with glamour and talent as the eagerly awaited Easter Festival Miss Teen Virgin Gorda 2024 takes center...