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Gov’t to tackle low wages as teacher resignations shakeup education system



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Online News Editor

In light of the “alarming number of resignations” since the start of this school year, Education Minister Sharie de Castro said she is committed to “firmly” representing the views of teachers in relation to the payment of their outstanding increments and the review of their salary packages.

Speaking at Friday’s House of Assembly of sitting, Minister de Castro revealed details surrounding Thursday’s meeting and how she plans to move forward with the feedback she obtained from the educators from that meeting.

“Madam Speaker, on Friday 3rd, February 2022, I received a letter for the BVI Teacher’s Union
regarding the payment of outstanding increments. Upon receiving the letter, I immediately
contacted the union to request a meeting with the intention to hear directly from teachers so that their concerns could be effectively articulated and represented.

“The meeting was held on Thursday, 9th February 2023 and was very productive in achieving the expected outcome and I have committed firmly to representing the views of teachers in relation to both the payment of outstanding increments as well as prioritization of teachers in the compensation review process that is currently ongoing,” she disclosed.

She further stated that the Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports met with the consultants spearheading this compensation and reclassification project last Wednesday and articulated the Ministry’s position of firm reconsideration of salaries for educators in the territory as a matter of urgency. On that same day, the minister said she also met with the consultants in her role as a legislator and supported the position of the Ministry in relation to educators.

She said that due consideration must be given to the cries of teachers and the value of
education to the economy of the Virgin Islands, adding that education is arguably the most important profession in our society.

The Ministry aims to build teachers that are highly qualified and adequately compensated, de Castro noted.

At present, she said the territory is losing teachers to other countries and industries due to low rate of pay, the increased cost of living, compensation offered in other countries, insufficient and outdated resources, and a challenging work environment, “just to name
a few”.

She explained: “Case in point, Madam Speaker, in the neighbouring United States Virgin Islands, Governor Albert Bryan recently announced that the entry level teacher salary would be raised to $50,000.00, commencing in August, 2023; our starting salary for a Teacher Grade IV is about $34,600.00.

“Madam Speaker, I implore us all to think carefully about the potential ramifications and impact of such a decision on our education system and, more specifically, our current teacher complement. Consideration for varying approaches to facilitate teacher retention is absolutely critical at this time.

“Madam Speaker, I referenced the change in salary in the USVI; however, in Texas, the largest
state in the US, the starting salary is now set at $61,500.00 per annum, with the entry level
requirements being as simple as the possession of a Bachelor’s degree in any subject area, with
the allowance of one or two years to achieve certification. According to the University of Texas at Arlington, in 2020-2021 academic year, Texas hired a high of about 376,000 teachers, and about 12% left that same year. In addition, more than 8,500 teachers retired in 2021, about 1,000 more than in 2020. This is just a brief example to show where the Virgin Islands has no intention of going.”

The minister revealed that the Ministry has already received an alarming number of resignations since the start of this school year. She said if teachers continue to leave the profession, the immediate and long-term impacts would be gravely felt throughout the territory.

“I ask this Honourable House to recall with me, the impact of the devastating hurricanes of 2017 on the education system of these Virgin Islands. Although our schools were greatly damaged, arrangements were made to ensure the continuity of learning. Even though we all experienced the trauma of the devastation, our teachers were able to deal with their own challenges and those of their students and teaching and learning continued.

“Madam Speaker, in 2020, we experienced the impact of a global pandemic through which our
teachers had to be rapidly trained to use the online platform to continue the instruction of our
students. In addition to that, Madam Speaker, our teachers had to monitor the learning of their own children, while providing instruction to their students, simultaneously.

“Madam Speaker, it would be remiss of me to not speak to higher salaries for teachers when
speaking about the value of education to our Virgin Islands’ economy. The demands on the
educator have increased significantly with regard to professional development, monitoring and evaluation, the initiation of Professional Learning Communities and the implementation of S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education as mechanisms of upgrading the system and making it more innovative and competitive.

“Madam Speaker, at this juncture, I must emphatically emphasize that, based on these demands, and more, there must be a thrust for higher pay for our teachers. Research indicates that there are several benefits of providing higher salaries for teachers. Increasing the pay of teachers strengthens the pipeline. It is understandable that low compensation for teachers discourages our own from entering the profession. It is my firm belief, Madam Speaker, that raising teacher salaries will improve the quality of our future workforce.

“In addition to strengthening the pipeline, higher teacher pay will keep our teachers in the classroom and decrease turnover. Madam Speaker, the low rate of pay for teachers has led and continues to lead them to consider second and third jobs in order to make ends meet. Madam Speaker, we need our teachers to focus on teaching, on building our future,” she explained.

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Premier Slams Opposition Over “Misinformation” in No-Confidence Motion Debacle




Premier of the Virgin Islands, the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley, has condemned the Opposition’s handling of a No Confidence Motion, accusing them of “bungling” the process by failing to comply with the Standing Orders of the House of Assembly.

In his remarks to the public, Premier Wheatley took aim at the Opposition for spreading what he called “misinformation” and for directing “vicious comments” towards the Honourable Speaker of the House of Assembly, whom he insists was not at fault in this matter. “It is unfortunate that some persons have chosen to be selective with the facts,” Wheatley stated, “taking Virgin Islands politics to a dark place.”

The Premier reiterated that while every member of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition has the constitutional right to challenge the Government, “persons cannot on one hand profess to be the vanguards of law and order, and truth and righteousness, and then flout the rules and regulations just because it is convenient to their agenda.”

He further called on the Opposition to apologise to the Speaker for “pre-empting her ruling, walking out of the House while she was delivering her ruling, and casting aspersions against her integrity.” According to Wheatley, “a higher standard of conduct is expected from those who aspire to lead the country.”

The controversy arose from the Opposition’s failure to adhere to the procedures for filing their Motion of No Confidence. The Premier emphasised that the Standing Orders, amended in 2016, clearly distinguish between Government Business and Private Members’ Business. He argued that the Opposition’s motion was categorised under Private Members’ Business, and that the Speaker’s ruling was correct. “A simple reading of the Standing Orders will show that the Opposition’s Motion was clearly Private Members’ Business, and the Honourable Speaker was correct in her ruling,” Wheatley asserted.

Premier Wheatley went on to accuse the Opposition of prioritising political gamesmanship over the completion of critical reforms, claiming that the timing of their Motion was intended to undermine the Government’s efforts to petition the UK for the lifting of the Order in Council. “The Opposition prioritises ‘brownie points’ over the completion of the recommendations and the removal of the threat to suspend our Constitution,” he charged.

As he concluded his statement, the Premier reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to serving the public, highlighting ongoing efforts to repair roads, address infrastructure challenges, and finalise the steps necessary to meet the Commission of Inquiry’s recommendations. “My Administration remains united and firmly committed to our responsibility,” Wheatley stated. “There is a lot that needs to be done instead of staging walkouts and press conferences.”

He closed by expressing his readiness to engage in debate when the Motion is properly brought forward, adding, “I look forward to responding to the Motion when it does come up for debate, assuming the Opposition complies with the Standing Orders of the House.”

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BVI Premier Seeks Removal of Opposition No-Confidence Motion Over Procedural Errors




British Virgin Islands Premier Natalio Wheatley has requested the removal of an opposition no-confidence motion from the House of Assembly’s Order Paper, citing procedural inaccuracies in its submission.

The motion, which seeks the dissolution of the current Fifth House of Assembly and calls for new elections, has created a tense atmosphere in the proceedings on September 3.

The Leader of the Opposition, Ronnie Skelton, is barred from introducing the motion, which criticises Premier Wheatley and Finance Minister for a series of alleged failures.

The opposition accuses the Virgin Islands Party (VIP)-led government, in power since April 2023, of worsening the economic outlook, diminishing quality of life, and eroding public trust.

Key points in the motion include Wheatley’s recent admission of a $20 million underestimation in public officials’ salaries, which could strain public resources.

It also criticises the Premier for failing to deliver an economic plan or a tourism strategy, and for mismanaging government assets like the Prospect Reef Hotel and the British Virgin Islands Music Festival 2024.

Other grievances include excessive international travel spending, underfunding of crucial sectors such as education and agriculture, and concerns about the Premier’s handling of infrastructure and public safety.

Further complaints involve the Premier’s unilateral decisions on decolonisation discussions with the UN and acceptance of the Commission of Inquiry’s recommendations, which the opposition argues have eroded public trust and accountability.

Residents are closely monitoring today’s House of Assembly proceedings, which are expected to have significant implications.

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Opposition Leader to Introduce No-Confidence Motion Against Virgin Islands Government




The Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Ronnie Skelton, is set to introduce a no-confidence motion against the current Virgin Islands government, citing a series of alleged failures by Premier and Minister for Finance, Hon. Dr. Natalio Wheatley. The motion argues that since assuming office in April 2023, Premier Wheatley’s leadership has led to a deteriorating economic outlook, declining quality of life, and a lack of public trust in the government.

The motion highlights several key points, including Premier Wheatley’s recent admission in the House of Assembly of a $20 million underestimation in salary increases for public officials, which could place a significant strain on public resources. It also criticizes the Premier for failing to produce an economic plan for the Territory, despite repeated requests from Opposition members, and for a lack of a comprehensive tourism plan to enhance the Virgin Islands’ market share.

Further allegations include the neglect of key government assets, such as the dilapidated state of the Prospect Reef Hotel, the mismanagement of public funds on initiatives like the Virgin Islands Music Festival 2024, and excessive government spending on international travel. The motion also points to the underfunding of critical sectors such as education, small businesses, and agriculture, and raises concerns over the Premier’s handling of the Territory’s infrastructure and public safety challenges.

Additional grievances center around the Premier’s unilateral decisions without public consultation, including his dialogues with the UN on decolonization and his acceptance of the Commission of Inquiry’s recommendations. The Opposition contends that these actions have undermined public trust and accountability.

The motion concludes with a call for the dissolution of the current Fifth House of Assembly, urging a new election to allow citizens to elect a government in which they can place their confidence.





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