
Virgin Gorda Residents Petition UK Governor for Urgent Healthcare Reforms



A group of concerned Virgin Gorda residents, represented by the Ad Hoc Committee for the Urgent Enhancement of Virgin Gorda Health Care, has taken their healthcare grievances directly to His Excellency Governor Daniel Pruce, seeking intervention and remedies for what they describe as a crisis in the island’s medical services.

Earlier today, the committee presented a petition signed by over 800 individuals, calling for immediate action to address the ongoing healthcare challenges on Virgin Gorda. Among the key issues discussed with Governor Pruce were the potential for UK grants, visiting medical staff from the UK, increased funding in the 2025 budget for healthcare on the sister islands, and the critical shortages of medical supplies. They also raised concerns over the incomplete construction of healthcare facilities, a leaking roof, and an aging generator, as well as the operational status of the North Sound Clinic and medivac options for emergencies.

While the petition garnered significant support both in-person and online, there were reports that others who share the same concerns refrained from signing due to fears of victimization.

In a statement, the committee highlighted the urgency of the situation, noting that the petition outlines several critical healthcare issues affecting Virgin Gorda. “The community hopes Governor Pruce will facilitate swift and meaningful dialogue with the Government of the Virgin Islands to address these urgent shortcomings,” the statement read. “The interaction was constructive, with a great exchange of ideas.”

The Ad Hoc Committee reaffirmed its commitment, along with the broader Virgin Gorda community, to ensure the well-being of residents and visitors, and looks forward to collaborating with the relevant authorities for long-term improvements.

Religious Leaders Rally Behind Healthcare Petition

The petition was bolstered by the support of Virgin Gorda’s religious leaders, who offered their prayers and full backing. In a joint statement, the island’s pastors expressed their solidarity with the committee. “We, the pastors of Virgin Gorda, stand in unwavering support of the healthcare proposal on behalf of the residents of the sister islands.”

The clergy emphasised that healthcare is not just a basic human right but a key factor in ensuring a stable economy and a healthy society. “For too long, the healthcare needs of the sister islands have been treated as secondary, leaving our communities with inadequate services that have dire consequences for our well-being,” they said.

Calling the situation urgent, the pastors urged the Deputy Governor and all relevant authorities to recognise the severity of the crisis. “We hope for swift and decisive action to ensure that the residents of Virgin Gorda and the sister islands receive the healthcare services they deserve,” they added, pledging their continued support and prayers for a prompt resolution to the healthcare challenges.

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