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Virgin Islands Premier Concludes Key Talks in London, Sets Stage for Stronger UK Partnership



Premier Dr. Natalio D. Wheatley of the Virgin Islands wrapped up a significant five-day diplomatic visit to London, aimed at reinforcing ties with the UK Government. Accompanied by Deputy Premier Lorna Smith OBE, the delegation’s primary focus was on building a modern partnership rooted in mutual respect and collaboration, while addressing the pressing issues facing the British Overseas Territory.

A pivotal moment of the trip came during an in-person meeting with the new Minister for Overseas Territories, Stephen Doughty MP, where Premier Wheatley outlined the progress being made in the Virgin Islands, particularly regarding the recommendations from the Commission of Inquiry. The talks, attended by Virgin Islands Governor Daniel Pruce, delved into the constitutional relationship between the UK and the Territory, with Wheatley expressing optimism about the future of cooperation. The Premier extended an invitation to Doughty to visit the Virgin Islands in November, which will coincide with the Minister’s first Joint Ministerial Council meeting.

The delegation’s presence in London also saw the Premier honored at a reception hosted by Sir Lindsay Hoyle MP, Speaker of the House of Commons. This gathering brought together key players from both the political and financial sectors, highlighting the Territory’s strategic importance. “We are grateful for Sir Lindsay’s consistent support of the Overseas Territories,” Premier Wheatley remarked, underscoring the critical role these relationships play in bolstering the Virgin Islands on the global stage.

Despite the busy agenda, Premier Wheatley found time to meet with several MPs, including Adam Jogee MP and Baroness Vere, further cementing ties between the Virgin Islands and UK policymakers. These engagements, according to the Premier, will lay the groundwork for continued collaboration as Parliament reconvenes in October and the political season gears up with upcoming party conferences.

Climate change was a dominant theme of the Premier’s meetings, as he emphasized the existential threat the Virgin Islands faces due to rising sea levels and increasingly frequent severe weather events. In talks with officials from the Department for Energy and Net Zero and Baroness Brown, Chair of the Climate Change Adaptation Sub-Committee, Wheatley stressed the Territory’s need for greater support from the UK in accessing global climate funding. Baroness Brown assured the Premier of the UK Government’s commitment to assist in bolstering the Virgin Islands’ climate resilience efforts.

Additionally, the Virgin Islands’ financial services sector took center stage during a roundtable led by Premier Wheatley in collaboration with BVI Finance. Top executives from major London-based corporate service providers and law firms participated, as the Premier championed the Territory’s unique offerings and underscored its role as a premier financial services hub.

As the Virgin Islands prepares for Minister Doughty’s visit in November, Premier Wheatley is crafting a cultural itinerary to ensure the Minister gets an immersive experience of the Territory’s vibrant community and traditions.

The delegation included Premier Dr. Natalio D. Wheatley, Deputy Premier Lorna Smith OBE, Ayana Glasgow, Executive Director of International Business Regulations, Kedrick Malone, Governance Reform Delivery Manager, and Kenneth Baker, Managing Director of the Financial Services Commission.

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