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BVI Premier Seeks Removal of Opposition No-Confidence Motion Over Procedural Errors



British Virgin Islands Premier Natalio Wheatley has requested the removal of an opposition no-confidence motion from the House of Assembly’s Order Paper, citing procedural inaccuracies in its submission.

The motion, which seeks the dissolution of the current Fifth House of Assembly and calls for new elections, has created a tense atmosphere in the proceedings on September 3.

The Leader of the Opposition, Ronnie Skelton, is barred from introducing the motion, which criticises Premier Wheatley and Finance Minister for a series of alleged failures.

The opposition accuses the Virgin Islands Party (VIP)-led government, in power since April 2023, of worsening the economic outlook, diminishing quality of life, and eroding public trust.

Key points in the motion include Wheatley’s recent admission of a $20 million underestimation in public officials’ salaries, which could strain public resources.

It also criticises the Premier for failing to deliver an economic plan or a tourism strategy, and for mismanaging government assets like the Prospect Reef Hotel and the British Virgin Islands Music Festival 2024.

Other grievances include excessive international travel spending, underfunding of crucial sectors such as education and agriculture, and concerns about the Premier’s handling of infrastructure and public safety.

Further complaints involve the Premier’s unilateral decisions on decolonisation discussions with the UN and acceptance of the Commission of Inquiry’s recommendations, which the opposition argues have eroded public trust and accountability.

Residents are closely monitoring today’s House of Assembly proceedings, which are expected to have significant implications.

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