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Census Deadline Extended to June 30



The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has officially extended the deadline for the ongoing census exercise to June 30. Originally slated for 2020, the census had faced unavoidable delays due to the far-reaching impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The CSO is urging citizens to take advantage of this extended period to contribute to the census, emphasizing the significance of every individual’s input in shaping the country’s future policies and resource allocation. The census, a pivotal tool for understanding demographic trends and planning public services, plays a vital role in steering government initiatives.

Minister Hon. Lorna G. Smith, OBE, responsible for statistical services under the Ministry of Financial Services, Labour and Trade, issued a heartfelt plea to the community in a June 2023 statement, stressing the critical importance of participation in this year’s census, operating under the theme: “Participation from you and me, is the key to Census 2023.”

The minister highlighted the census’s central role in ensuring accurate representation and distribution of resources across the Territory. Questions of profound significance will be addressed, encompassing the quality of housing, vulnerabilities to natural disasters, demographic makeup, health conditions, educational levels, employment scenarios, economic drivers, and internet accessibility in households.

The gathered data will serve as a compass guiding the allocation of resources towards bolstering public health, housing, political representation, and education. Hon. Smith underscored the census’s significance in providing a comprehensive understanding of the evolving needs of the dynamic society, enabling the government to respond effectively.

Addressing past reluctance among community members, the Deputy Premier assured residents of the strict confidentiality measures in place, with the Statistical Act of 2005 prohibiting the CSO from disclosing any personal information collected during the census. This commitment is aimed at building trust and encouraging broad community participation.

The minister emphasized that the census’s primary goal is to make informed decisions grounded in evidence, amplifying the voices of all communities and increasing visibility for those who often feel unseen. Highlighting the potential consequences of inaccurate data, Hon. Smith pointed out that without precise census information, adequate planning becomes a challenge, leading to issues like overcrowded classrooms, impractical infrastructure, and underfunded social programs.

Citizens are urged to reach out for additional information or assistance by contacting the office directly at 468-2175/3029. Alternatively, individuals can send their queries via email to cso@gov.vg.

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