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Remembrance Day Ceremony Honours Veterans and Unveils Remarkable BVIslander’s Story



In a tribute to those who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty, Government House hosted a Remembrance Day Ceremony that was attended by twenty-seven veterans from around the world. The ceremony included a solemn two-minute silence to mark the significance of the occasion.

Remembrance Day, observed on 11 November annually, commemorates the signing of the armistice at 11 am on 11 November 1918, marking the end of the First World War. On this day, communities worldwide unite to honor and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their countries.

Governor John Rankin CMG, representing the King, laid a wreath in tribute to military servicemen and women who gave their lives for peace and freedom.

Acting Premier Hon. Kye Rymer laid a wreath on behalf of the BVI to honor BVIslanders who fell in conflict, while Commissioner of Police Mark Collins paid homage to fallen police officers. Ms. Brenda Herbert-Stewart, representing all military veterans, laid a wreath in remembrance of their comrades.

In his address, Governor Rankin shared a personal connection to the day, stating, “I wear my poppy in memory of my father who served with the Royal Air Force in World War II.” He expressed respect for all veterans, acknowledging their ongoing commitment to protecting the rights of freedom.

Governor Rankin spotlighted the extraordinary story of Private Samuel Hodge, born in Tortola in 1840, the only BVIslander known to be awarded the Victoria Cross, the highest British award for bravery. The Governor emphasized the importance of commemorating Hodge’s legacy, expressing hope for a War Memorial in Queen Elizabeth II Park to honor all armed forces personnel.

“We owe a huge debt to our service people, past, present, and future. We will remember them, and I salute all of you who are gathered here this morning,” Governor Rankin concluded.

Veterans residing in the BVI are encouraged to register with the Governor’s Office for future Remembrance Events by emailing Govoffice.Tortola@fcdo.gov.uk with their contact details, branch, and location of service.

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