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Virgin Islands Government Takes Bold Steps to Upgrade Road Infrastructure



The Government of the Virgin Islands has recently announced a tender notice for Asphalt Paving and Road Markings to address the extensive road network in the Territory.

The project aims to cover over thirty-eight miles of primary roads and is seen as a crucial step in improving the quality and durability of the road infrastructure.

The announcement was made by Minister for Communications and Works, Honourable Kye Rymer, during his statement at the Fifth Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly. In his address, Minister Rymer expressed his gratitude to the Minister of Finance for their unwavering support and commitment to secure the necessary loan funding. This funding will enable the Ministry of Communications and Works to comprehensively address the Territory’s road network, a task that has been long overdue.

“In the interim, we have started, in several areas, to upgrade the primary road network,” Minister Rymer disclosed. He highlighted the recent completion of a stretch of road in Fish Bay as a prime example, demonstrating the government’s dedication to improving road infrastructure. Additionally, several other areas, including Ballast Bay, Great Mountain, Sabbath Hill, Hope Hill, and Little Dix Hill, have witnessed comprehensive works, including retaining walls, slipper and kerb walls, and overlaying to create high-quality roads that meet international standards.

Minister Rymer emphasized the critical role of proper drainage in road development and longevity, stating, “We understand the importance of drainage in the development and longevity of any road network; therefore, we have included over nineteen miles of curb walls and over nineteen miles of slipper drains to accompany the road reconstruction works.” He further explained that these drainage works are essential to prevent water from deteriorating the roads, which is a common issue in the region.

Highlighting the inadequacy of the current road patching efforts by the Public Works Department, Minister Rymer made it clear that such short-term solutions are insufficient to address the multi-layer deterioration that plagues many of the Territory’s roads. He stressed that all thirty-eight miles of road will be addressed comprehensively, ensuring that once the works are completed, Virgin Islands roads will meet the high quality and expectations of any roadway, anywhere in the world.

For those interested in delving deeper into the Minister’s statement and the government’s comprehensive road infrastructure plans, the full statement can be viewed on the official Government of the Virgin Islands website at www.bvi.gov.vg.

The Ministry of Communications and Works remains committed to ensuring the continued development and maintenance of public infrastructure, in line with international standards. This commitment aims to make public utilities reliable and affordable, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for both residents and visitors in the Virgin Islands.

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