Local News

Virgin Gorda Community Angry Over Ongoing Water Disruption



A backhoe clears sargassum from Handsome Bay's shoreline on Sept. 4. The bay, where Virgin Gorda's desalination plant's intake pipe is located, was heavily covered in seaweed that day. (Photo: ANIKA CHRISTOPHER and BVI BEACON)

Says Government Is Making Conflicting Statements Over Water Disruption Caused By Sargassum Seaweed At Handsome Bay

Residents and the business community of Virgin Gorda are extremely angry over the continued water disruption caused by sargassum seaweed at Handsome Bay after being assured by the Ministry of Communications and Works early this month that a permanent solution was being sought.

The Ministry of Communications and Works and the Handsome Bay water company, Aqua Design, both acknowledged that due to the overwhelming amount of sargassum seaweed, the pre-filtration system of the open sea intake was partially blocked disrupting the water distribution level in The Valley.

Earlier this month, Minister Kye Rymer apologised for the inconvenience caused by the reduced water supply and assured residents that a long-term solution would be implemented in the upcoming months.

The Ministry also stated that plant operators would continue to monitor the intake condition and make necessary adjustments.

However, the water woes have persisted, causing frustration within the entire community. Residents have reported water disruptions occurring twice daily, from noon to 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.

An angry resident, who requested anonymity, expressed disappointment in the lack of transparency from the sewerage department and water plant.

“So the water and Sewerage Department don’t have enough respect for the public to tell us what the issues are. We are the ones affected and we have a right to know what’s happening,” a frustrated resident, who asked to remain anonymous, told JTV. “And if the Director and the Minister both touting that the water situation has been rectified then why water off for most of the day.”

Plant production had to be reduced to maintain adequate pressure to the equipment. Failure to maintain over 30 psi to the equipment could result in catastrophic equipment failure.

Another expressed their frustration, stating that “water shuts off twice a day. Some areas now water for over a week. At-Large members (are) quiet, conflicting answers from (the) government.”

The sentiment that the water issues in Virgin Gorda are being disregarded by those in positions of authority is shared by both residents and business owners in The Valley.

Minister of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration Vincent Wheatley serves as the Ninth District Representative, while At-Large members elected in the 2023 general elections are Deputy Premier Lorna Smith, Education Minister Sharie deCastro, Opposition Leader Ronnie Skelton and Stacy Mather.

“I bet At-Large members don’t even have a clue. Does anyone really care? I’m just disgusted,” JTV was told.

There was some change when the tide shifted the sargassum seaweed last weekend, allowing for increased plant production.

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