
Patricia Hackett Returns as Gender Affairs Coordinator



Ms. Patricia Hackett has been appointed as the Gender Affairs Coordinator in the Ministry of Health and Social Development for the period of May 2023 to May 2024. This marks her return to the post after previously serving in the same capacity from 2007 to 2011.

Honourable Vincent Wheatley, the Minister for Health and Natural Resources, expressed his confidence in Ms. Hackett’s abilities to revitalize the Office of Gender Affairs. He stated that she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role, and her appointment presents an opportunity to foster inclusivity, promote equality, and empower marginalized voices.

During her previous tenure as the Gender Affairs Coordinator, Ms. Hackett played a key role in developing the first and only Gender Policy and Domestic Violence Protocol in the Virgin Islands. Working in partnership with the University of the West Indies, she now aims to further advance this Protocol and rebuild connections with local and international stakeholders.

In her new role, Ms. Hackett will be responsible for the development of the Territory’s Gender Affairs policies and programs. She will oversee the day-to-day work of the unit and provide strategic guidance. The Acting Governor, Mr. David Archer Jr., commended her expertise and experience, emphasizing the commitment to appointing qualified and effective leaders in the Public Service.

Prior to her appointment, Ms. Hackett served as the Gender Training Officer within the Office of the Prime Minister in Trinidad and Tobago. Her responsibilities included implementing training curriculum for gender development and addressing gender-related issues in the Trinidadian Public Service.

Ms. Hackett expressed her renewed passion for the development of Gender Affairs in the Territory and envisioned the Virgin Islands as a regional leader in this field. She highlighted the importance of promoting gender equality, equity, and women’s empowerment through policy initiatives and focused programs and projects.

With a Bachelor of Science in Communication from the University of Guyana, a Certificate in Gender & Development Studies from the University of the West Indies, and ongoing studies for a Master in Adult and Continuing Education, Ms. Hackett brings a strong educational background to her role. She has also published various studies, reports, and pieces related to Gender Affairs and Development.

The Government of the Virgin Islands remains committed to establishing the Territory as a world-leader on Gender Affairs and related issues. The appointment of Ms. Patricia Hackett as the Gender Affairs Coordinator reflects this commitment and aims to drive progress in promoting gender equality and empowerment.

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