
Minister Highlights Health as Vital Investment for Territory’s Development



The Honourable Vincent O. Wheatley, Minister for Health and Social Development, emphasized the significance of health as an investment in the people and the development of the Virgin Islands.

Speaking at the Second Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly, Honourable Wheatley urged the public to view health as an investment rather than a cost to society and the public purse.

The Minister attended the Ministerial Conference on Chronic Diseases and Mental Health, organized by the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) and World Health Organization (WHO) for Small Island Developing States in Barbados from June 11 to 16.

Minister Wheatley highlighted the importance of ensuring equitable access to healthcare, as emphasized by the WHO’s Universal Health Care Strategy. He stated, “We must ensure that appropriate, needed healthcare is accessible without bias.”

He further emphasized the interdependence of health, productivity, and economic development, stating, “Without healthy people, we do not have productive people. Without productive people, we do not have a productive economy. Without these, we cannot develop as a Territory. Interestingly enough, healthy people are also a sign of a thriving economy and a well-developed Territory. The two go hand in hand.”

The Minister underscored the need for collaboration among all sectors of government, civil society, service users, and individuals with lived experiences in the policy-making, program development, and evaluation processes. He emphasized that addressing both positive and negative impacts on health requires engagement from all sectors of society.

Reflecting on his experience as the new Minister for Health, Honourable Wheatley expressed the value of learning best practices and networking with colleagues from Small Island Developing States around the world. During his time in Barbados, he visited the Winston Scott Polyclinic to observe primary healthcare in action and met with the director of the Chronic Disease Research Center. He also visited St. Michael’s College, where he discussed the incorporation of health and family life education programs across the curriculum with the principal.

The Ministry of Health and Social Development remains dedicated to the development and enhancement of the health and social well-being of the people of the Virgin Islands.

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