
BREAKING NEWS: Man who fired fatal shots in Sunday’s shooting death on the run; Hasani Frett not the shooter



Hasani Frett was today, February 15, 2023 remanded to prison on charges of murder, possession of firearm with intent to endanger life and inflicting grievous bodily harm.

However, the court was told that Frett was not the shoot that resulted in the death of a man still to be identified and woman who was hit in the line of fire.

Director of Public Prosecutions, Mrs Tiffany Scatliffe-Esprit in presenting the facts in court, revealed, among other things, that three masked gun-toting men pounced on Frett and another man that was in the passenger seat of a car and it was the passenger who did the shooting, killing one of the three bikers.

The shooter and two of the bikers fled the scene.

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