
British Virgin Islands Elected to Leadership Role in Historic UN Decision



The British Virgin Islands (BVI) has been elected to a leadership role within the United Nations (UN) system, as a Vice Chair of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), solidifying its position as a key player in advancing the region’s economic and social development.

At the 40th session of UN ECLAC held in Lima, Peru, member states from across the Americas unanimously elected the BVI to the Vice Chairmanship, a position it will hold for the next two years. The BVI joins the leadership Bureau alongside Peru, which serves as Chair, and fellow Vice Chairs Colombia, Panama, and the Dominican Republic.

Special Envoy Mr. Benito Wheatley accepted the role on behalf of the British Virgin Islands, pledging full support for ECLAC’s agenda and for Peru’s leadership. “I am humbled by the decision of the Governments represented in UN ECLAC to elect the British Virgin Islands to serve as a Vice Chair of this important regional intergovernmental body,” Wheatley said. “It demonstrates the trust and confidence by our neighbours across the Americas in the British Virgin Islands and our commitment to the sustainability, climate resilience, economic development, and social transformation of the region.”

The election coincided with the 40th anniversary of the BVI’s Associate Membership in ECLAC, making the occasion particularly significant. Wheatley noted that the BVI is honoured to represent both its own interests and to be a voice for the wider Caribbean in ECLAC’s senior leadership.

In addition to its new Vice Chair role within ECLAC, the BVI currently serves as a Vice Chair of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC), ECLAC’s subsidiary body dedicated exclusively to the Caribbean subregion.

The 40th session of ECLAC focused on addressing critical development challenges facing Latin America and the Caribbean. Delegates debated and endorsed an ECLAC report titled ‘Development Traps in Latin America and the Caribbean: Vital Transformations and How to Manage Them,’ which highlights key obstacles to growth, including low capacity for economic expansion, high inequality and weak social cohesion, and ineffective governance.

With its election to this influential leadership position, the British Virgin Islands will play an integral role in shaping the economic and social development strategies for Latin America and the Caribbean, driving initiatives that support sustainable growth and regional cooperation.

The British Virgin Islands first joined ECLAC as an Associate Member in 1984 and has actively participated in regional efforts to promote economic resilience and governance reforms.

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