
Orrett Kennedy Tops British Virgin Islands in CSEC Exams



Orrett Donald Kennedy has emerged as the top-performing student from the British Virgin Islands in the 2024 Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) exams. The Ministry of Education revealed that Kennedy, a student of St. George’s Secondary School, passed 11 subjects, securing Grade One passes in nine of them.

Jaydeen Britany Martin, another standout from St. George’s, claimed the second spot with 10 subjects, including seven Grade Ones. Rounding out the top three was Gorcia Iona Johnson from Claudia Creque Educational Centre, who passed nine subjects, earning seven Grade Ones.

The Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports extended its congratulations to Kennedy, Martin, and Johnson for their outstanding achievements, along with all the other students who excelled in this year’s exams.

“While we celebrate these top achievers, we also want to acknowledge the remarkable success of candidates who completed subjects at the end of their eleventh-grade year and went on to take additional subjects in twelfth grade, achieving outstanding results,” the Ministry said in a statement. “We extend our congratulations to these high achievers as well for their exceptional performance.”

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