
Former BVI Ports Authority Director Oleanvine Maynard Takes Stand Against Ex-Premier Andrew Fahie



– Maynard Spills It All Piecing Together Prosecution’s Case

Oleanvine Maynard former managing director of the BVI Ports Authority, took the stand on Tuesday, February 6, in Miami, testifying against former British Virgin Islands Premier Andrew Fahie who faces drug-trafficking conspiracy charges.

Maynard, having pleaded guilty to conspiring with Fahie to import cocaine into the United States, agreed to testify against him in exchange for a potentially lighter sentence.

Her testimony, which stretched over six hours on Tuesday and resumed on Wednesday morning, offered a glimpse into a world of clandestine meetings and coded conversations. Prosecutors played secret recordings as Maynard detailed interactions with Fahie, her son Kadeem Maynard, and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) operatives, shedding light on alleged drug trafficking operations.

“On the recording,  Maynard was heard explaining to DEA confidential source who used the named “Roberto Quintero” what she hoped to gain from their arrangement. “There are things I want to accomplish. One is to pay off my house in Tortola. And when I retire I want to go to Miami. And in both areas, I want to be rent-free,” she said. Quintero then asked her to open her bag and he gave her $10,000, Ms. Maynard said. “It’s just $10,000: a little present for you,” he was heard to say on the tape. Maynard replied, “Thank you.”

As the prosecution’s fifth and final witness, Maynard’s testimony served to tie together pieces of evidence presented by prior witnesses, including DEA agents and digital forensic analysts. Her guilty plea in June 2023 to conspiracy charges marked a turning point in the trial, offering prosecutors a crucial insider perspective on the alleged conspiracy.

During her testimony, Maynard revealed how she first became entangled in the web of drug trafficking, describing meetings with associates and a DEA confidential source named “Roberto Quintero.” She detailed negotiations with Fahie, including discussions of profit-sharing agreements and a substantial cash “gift” exchanged between Fahie and Quintero.

As Maynard’s testimony continued, the courtroom remained transfixed by the unfolding drama, with Fahie continuing to deny any wrongdoing. Yet, her revelations painted a vivid picture of an alleged conspiracy spanning multiple jurisdictions.

Fahie was arrested on April 28, 2022 by agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) at Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport, Fahie made international headlines, shocking many supporters in his homeland.

Maynard and her son, Kadeem Stephan Maynard, found themselves apprehended in the drug sting. Kadeem also entered into an agreement with federal authorities, resulting in a five-year sentence.

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