Governor Bryan Requests Divorce Proceedings Under Seal to Safeguard Family Privacy



United States Virgin Islands Governor Albert Bryan has formally petitioned the V.I. Superior Court to conduct his divorce proceedings with First Lady Yolanda Bryan under seal. The request, filed on Tuesday, November 14, and exclusively obtained by the VI Consortium, underscores the Governor’s desire to shield his wife and two adult children from the potential public scrutiny that accompanies high-profile divorce cases.

Governor Bryan, represented by attorney Henry Smock of SmockLaw PC, emphasizes in the court document that the nature of his role as Governor of the United States Virgin Islands makes it likely that the divorce filing could attract unwarranted media attention. The petition asserts that the matter is a private one, devoid of public interest, and argues against exposing personal details to the public eye.

The filed petition, titled “Motion to File Verified Petition For Divorce Under Seal,” reveals that both legal counsels, including Mrs. Bryan’s representative, have concurred on the necessity of conducting the divorce proceedings confidentially.

This move follows the Consortium’s mid-October interview with Governor Bryan, during which he was questioned about the status of his relationship with the First Lady and whether personal matters were affecting his governance. The Governor declined to provide explicit details, stating, “I think that when there is an official statement to be made, I will make a statement.” He emphasized the need for discretion, asserting that the public does not need to delve into private matters.

During the interview, Governor Bryan highlighted his commitment to his role, expressing that personal matters were not hindering his performance. He assured the public, stating, “I’ve been married for 27 years, and I always tell Yolanda I’m married to the people of the Virgin Islands for the next 8. That’s my first priority.”

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