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BVI Basketball Federation Vice President Expresses Disappointment with District League Postponement



The Vice President of the BVI Basketball Federation, Jason Edwin, has expressed his disappointment with the unexpected postponement of the District League.

In a statement addressed to the basketball community, Edwin shared his frustration and apologized to all those affected by the last-minute change.

“Dear Basketball Community, As Vice President of the Federation, I share your disappointment and frustration regarding the unexpected postponement of the league, which was scheduled to commence today, July 8, 2023. I too was disheartened to learn about this postponement through social media,” expressed Edwin.

He acknowledged the anticipation and eagerness of players, coaches, and fans who were looking forward to participating in the condensed tournament. Edwin assured the community that he would meet with the present Executive Body of the federation to discuss the way forward while awaiting the basketball elections.

“As someone who has a deep love for basketball and is dedicated to its growth and development in our territory, I am committed to supporting all initiatives,” he stated.

Edwin sincerely apologized to the disappointed fans, teams, coaches, managers, and referees, recognizing the void that the postponement has created at the last minute.

“In the meantime, I encourage all basketball enthusiasts to stay connected and engaged,” he concluded.

The basketball community now awaits further updates and decisions from the BVI Basketball Federation’s Executive Body as they work towards resolving the situation and ensuring the successful continuation of the District League.

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