Local News

The Shadow Subject Ministers System To Be Implemented




Leader of the Opposition, Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton and the members of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition have determined and agreed, in consideration of the wishes of the people of the Virgin Islands, to implement a system of shadow subject ministers (the Shadow Subject Ministers System) comprising the six members sitting in opposition to the ruling Government members.

The portfolio of the Shadow Subject Ministers System will be as follows:

Leader of the Opposition – Hon. Ronnie W. Skelton

Portfolio Related Matters

  • Finance
  • Food security**
  • Gaming
  • Immigration
  • Banking
  • Town & Country Planning
  • Shipping Registry
  • Health & Social Development**
  • Alternative Energy**

Hon. Myron W. Walwyn

Portfolio Related Matters

  • Tourism
  • Education**
  • Culture (Festival & Fairs)
  • Financial Services**
  • Macro-Economic Planning

Hon. Marlon A. Penn

Portfolio Related Matters

  • Health & Social Development**
  • Housing Development
  • Trade and Economic Affairs
  • Financial Services**
  • Information and Telecommunications Technology

Hon. Julian Fraser

Portfolio Related Matters

  • Alternative Energy**
  • All subject matters falling under communication and works

Hon. Melvin Mitch Turnbull

Portfolio Related Matters

  • Natural Resources
  • National Health Insurance
  • Social Security
  • Lands
  • Climate Change
  • Labour

Hon. Stacy Mather MBE

Portfolio Related Matters

  • Agriculture & Fisheries
  • Food Security**
  • Education**
  • Youth Affairs & Sports

**portfolio areas shared with another member of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition


The Leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition and all members fully commit to operating the Shadow Subject Ministers System as effectively as possible in an effort to deliver to the people of the Virgin Islands the best possible Government, of you the people, elected by you the people, and working for you the people.

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