
Turnbull on beach access issue: “People of this Territory have rights that we must protect”



(JTV News) – Based on recent reports about illegal activities occurring on beaches throughout the territory, Minister for Natural Resources and Labour Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull urged the public to familiarise itself with the legislation prohibiting beach misuse.

According to the release, Turnbull said that the behavior propagates attitudes towards ownership, race, and status that are divisive.

“The people of this Territory have rights that we must protect. We welcome investment, development and integration, but we do not welcome discrimination,” the Minister said in his statement in the Fourth Sitting of the Fifth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly.

Minister Turnbull further clarified that all beaches in the Territory belong to the Crown, and are accessible to the public for their enjoyment, considering that the laws be adhered to.

He said, “The public is hereby reminded of the legislation guiding Public Access and Rights of Way to Beaches as per the Virgin Islands Physical Planning of 2004, which defines a beach as:

“That area of the coastal zone from the seaward limit of the foreshore, running inland to the vegetation line or other natural barrier, whichever is closer to the landward limit of the foreshore; and a beach may consist of sand, stones, gravel, shingle, coral fragments or boulders’”.

Turnbull concluded his statement by urging members of the public to desist from engaging in the illegal behavior in and around beach areas.

“The public has the right to occupy the water and the shore of every beach, up to the area of land that is owned privately. Any person seeking further clarification of this law or seeking support to enforce the law as a beach user, may contact the Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour’s Sea Bed unit for assistance,” he said.


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