Elections 2023

PVIM Leader Ronnie Skelton touts development plan; presents 7 candidates



Skelton during the Friday’s PVIM press conference

By MERRICK ANDREWS, Online News Editor

(JTV NEWS) — Chairman of the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) Ronnie W. Skelton said the British Virgin Islands need a development plan to solve the myriad of problems now facing the territory.

Skelton made the disclosure on Friday at a press conference where he presented seven PVIM candidates — himself along with Paul Hewlett, Stacy Mather, Shaina Smith, Sylvia Moses, Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull, and Shereen Flax-Charles — who will contest the 2023 General Elections.

The former National Democratic Party member told reporters: “We need a national development plan and the people of this territory need to hold the government to account for the activities in this plan. From this national development plan, we need to develop strategies for the development of our education system, the development of our healthcare system, the infrastructure, roads, bridges, and ports and we need a plan to fix the social needs of our country.”


According to its official Facebook page, the PVIM was founded in 2018 and is not a political party but a movement, however, it is now obvious that this movement has evolved into a political party.

Its 2023 election campaign slogan is “Integrity Matters”. And as its founder, Skelton said he has the integrity and experience required to lead the party and resolve the territory’s problems.

At the beginning of his prepared statement, Skelton revealed some family, business, and political history that he believes make him suitable for this leadership.

“I serve as the CEO and director of Skelton Group of Companies in Fish Bay, Tortola,” he said, adding that he is the eighth of his mother’s 14 children.

“After my father died suddenly in 1983 I was one of the three in the family chosen to be the administrator of his estate. My brothers and sisters know that when there is a cake to be shared, they will get equal slices so they trust me to look after their affairs,” he continued.

Skelton is a veteran politician. He mentioned that he served the territory as Minister for Health and Social Development, Minister for Finance, Deputy Chief Minister, and a short stint as Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition.

He told reporters that he is not a selfish person and he always put people and the country first.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I am someone you can trust and one who puts the love of his country and the development of his people first and I have never been one to make things about myself. This is the only reason why I have decided to come and join forces with this group of bright and promising individuals to contest the next general election. I plan to lend my experience, my wisdom and my guidance to do the things that are right to rebuild the reputation of our beloved British Virgin Islands and so that we all can be proud once again at home and abroad,” he explained.

He added: “I am not one who runs away from problems but we have to admit after the April 28-29 news, we all were speechless and we hang our heads. Our country’s problems continue to unfold before our very eyes. We do have our share of problems but they are not problems that we cannot fix. In order to fix these problems we need to have a plan and we must stick to our plan.”


Skelton said Virgin Islanders must see the positive in every difficult situation.

“Sometimes as a people we seem to just focus on what is wrong and don’t appreciate all the things that are right,” he said.

The PVIM leader implored the peope of the Virgin Islands to be strong in these trying times.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I grew up here in these Virgin Islands when every child did not have access to a high school education and today our children have access to tertiary education right here in this territory. I grew up in these Virgin Islands when the supply of electricity was limited from the Government House, Governor’s House to the Methodist burial ground just on Main Street. I grew up in these Virgin Islands when there were limited to no paved roads. I mention these to say that hard times create strong people and strong people create easy times and easy times create free people. We are facing some difficult times now so we have to be strong again,” he explained.


As the Commission of Inquiry Report hangs over the territory like a dark cloud, Skelton said he plans to solve some of the territory’s problems through unity with local and international partners.

“When elected, we will work with the UK and with our regional and international partners to rebuild our Virgin Islands. I have looked at the issues facing our territory that need to be addressed and we can do this. My deputy and I have had many conversations with persons from all around the territory including the leaders of the other two parties and independent candidates. I will continue to talk to these individuals once it is in the best interest of our Virgin Islands,” he said.



PVIM candidates, front from left: Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull, Ronnie Skelton, and Shereen Flax-Charles; standing from left: Paul Hewlett, Stacy Mather, Shaina Smith, and Sylvia Moses.

Skelton then spoke about the seven candidates who will represent the PVIM at the polls.

“These seven individuals here, including myself, this morning, have committed themselves to work together in the best interest of these Virgin Islands. They all have proven track records,” he said about his team.

He plans to update the public on March 4 about additional members.

“My friends, we will work together to bring hope, accountability, transparency, integrity, inspiration and empowerment back to our country and our people. That’s why we are here ladies and gentlemen. That’s why we are. And that is why I am here.

“We must feel proud again to be from these Virgin Islands. We must feel proud again to be from these beautiful British Virgin Islands. Ladies and gentlemen, we will continue to press on to expand our district members and we will continue to bring people before you that are trustworthy, that are transparent, that are accountable to you the people of these Virgin Islands. I thank you and may Jehovah continue to bless and have mercy on these beautiful Virgin Islands, thank you,” he concluded in his statement.

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