
“I will only be part of honest, fair leadership” — Shereen D. Flax-Charles after resigning from VIP



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Territory At-Large Representative, Shereen D. Flax-Charles, on Sunday resigned from the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), saying she will only be part of a leadership that is “transparent, fair and honest”.

JTV News understands that Flax-Charles intends to remain as Junior Minister for Trade and Economic Development, Agriculture and Fisheries, and a member of the National Unity government until the general elections which is due this year but for which a date has yet to be set.

Her resignation comes exactly one week after the VIP Congress held a meeting to elect a new executive body to confirm its candidates for the General Elections which is due in several weeks.

Flax-Charles was not among the 10 candidates — seven district candidates and three at-large candidates — who were ratified by the VIP Congress.

The party said a “special meeting” will be convened in the near future to ratify the remaining candidates.

It was disclosed at a press conference by Party Chairman and Premier, Natalio Wheatley, that Flax-Charles’s non-ratification had to do with administrative issues: paper work she submitted did not meet the requirements.

However, in her resignation statement on Sunday, Flax-Charles gave her side of the story.

“My priorities are clear and have been communicated. I will only be a part of leadership that is transparent, fair and honest, conducted with the utmost integrity; developing and honouring structures which hold us to account. On this vein, I want to ensure that my own upholding of these standards remains unquestionable.

“I pride myself on understanding and operating within laws and rules. While many of you have rightly dismissed the idea that I somehow infringed on the constitution of my former party, I know that for others this has been a concern as it brings my ethics and frankly, my common sense, under scrutiny.

“Summarizing The Virgin Islands Party Constitution, Article Twenty: Nomination and Selection of Candidates for the Legislature, it is made abundantly clear that any incumbent VIP member of the Legislative Council desirous of re-election under the banner of the party is entitled to do so once they have informed the executive by the deadline prescribed.

“I fulfilled the basic requirements as outlined in Section 4, and made my intention known to the party’s secretary. I could not met the deadline which Section 1 makes mention of as to date none has been communicated, at least not to me.

“Anyone interested in further investigating this exercise of wordplay and paperwork is free to peruse the party’s constitution. There will be varied opinions as there always are, but what I can share is that my interpretation is supported by a senior party member’s written correspondence. Ultimately, this is a minor matter. When compared to the tremendous challenges we face as a Territory, it warrants no further dialogue.

“I only raised this for two reasons. It is important to me that you all continue to know that I do not play party games and that I have complete respect for fair protocol and due process. Whatever clerical mishaps and misunderstandings may have occurred, I hold no animosity towards my former party as this only reassured me of what I have been considering for a time,” she added.

Below is at-large representative’s full statement:


Good morning beautiful Virgin Islands,

Well before I was an elected official, I had earned a reputation for being a person who is honest, transparent, and in all things, above board.

During the time which I have had the absolute privilege of being a representative of this noble Territory, I have maintained that I am a representative, not a politician.

There was no day in my past life that I desired to hold an elected office. Yet, in February 2019 when the reality of the people’s confidence hit me, I immediately got to work. It has been taxing, costing me many nights sleep, many people I considered friends, and many opportunities. Yet, the reward has been rich!

In the last four years I have gotten to know my people in a much deeper sense that I had imagined possible. You have all become family, spanning across race, nationality, class, and community. Listening to your concerns, understanding your ambitions, and working to see them realized has been my joy.

I know that my work is not ended. There is so much more that needs to be done to maintain and secure these Virgin Islands; to ensure that our children see brighter days than we ever did.

It is known, I never abandon the job. So, let the question go answered. I am seeking re-election to continue the effort which has been entrusted to me. If it is the people’s will, I will continue to be their voice and champion, even if I stand alone!

While I am grateful for both the triumphs and the obstacles which I encountered along the way, it is clear to me, that at this stage, I must part ways with the Virgin Islands Party. As of today, I have tendered my resignation.

I thank the congress and most importantly my colleagues in the House of Assembly for my introduction to this trial by fire. As imperfect as the circumstances may have been, we worked together to see much done and this is my great pride!

In this time, I have learned to be more patient, to be more vigilant, and above all the importance of remaining true to myself and my cause.

My path is still set forward and my thoughts remain always on the progress of the Territory. One question asked of me, and on which I have given much consideration is of joining a team. Know that in each conversation I have fielded, I have made two things clear:

I am the people’s voice.
I will not be silenced.

Wherever I cast my lot, understand that it is because all on board understand my role is a selfless one. I will continue to ring the bell and blow the whistle. I will continue to be your ear, your mouthpiece, and your crier on the wall. Loyalty to the people trumps loyalty to any gathering of colours or interests.

My priorities are clear and have been communicated. I will only be a part of leadership that is transparent, fair and honest, conducted with the utmost integrity; developing and honouring structures which hold us to account. On this vein, I want to ensure that my own upholding of these standards remains unquestionable.

I pride myself on understanding and operating within laws and rules. While many of you have rightly dismissed the idea that I somehow infringed on the constitution of my former party, I know that for others this has been a concern as it brings my ethics and frankly, my common sense, under scrutiny.

Summarizing The Virgin Islands Party Constitution, Article Twenty: Nomination and Selection of Candidates for the Legislature, it is made abundantly clear that any incumbent VIP member of the Legislative Council desirous of re-election under the banner of the party is entitled to do so once they have informed the executive by the deadline prescribed.

I fulfilled the basic requirements as outlined in Section 4, and made my intention known to the party’s secretary. I could not met the deadline which Section 1 makes mention of as to date none has been communicated, at least not to me.

Anyone interested in further investigating this exercise of wordplay and paperwork is free to peruse the party’s constitution. There will be varied opinions as there always are, but what I can share is that my interpretation is supported by a senior party member’s written correspondence. Ultimately, this is a minor matter. When compared to the tremendous challenges we face as a Territory, it warrants no further dialogue.

I only raised this for two reasons. It is important to me that you all continue to know that I do not play party games and that I have complete respect for fair protocol and due process. Whatever clerical mishaps and misunderstandings may have occurred, I hold no animosity towards my former party as this only reassured me of what I have been considering for a time.

As a Territory, we must move towards informed leadership. We must understand our laws and we must hold them in the utmost regards for they are the foundation on which our freedoms, democracy and economic progress are built.

I will be a part of this upward battle until my last breath. I hope to have you at my back, by my side and in my ear!

Hon. Shereen Flax-Charles, MHA
Territorial At-Large Representative

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